Dohrn Canyon (Tyrrhenian Sea), July 2024

The ECOREST II cruise on board the R/V GAIA BLU was carried out on July 12-22, 2024, in the Gulf of Naples, one of the areas of intervention selected in the Mediterranean Sea. Different members of the REDRESS consortium, UNIVPM, CNR and SZN were on board. Scientists of UNIVPM deployed 3D printed eco-reefs and Artificial Structures for Deep-sea species recruitment and Ecosystem Restoration (ASDERs) equipped with a wide array of sensors (CTD and hydrophone) and HD cameras. ASDERs will be used to study species recruitment, allowing us to monitor the settlement and evolution with low-cost technology. Three 3D printed eco-reefs and 1 ADSER have been deployed at increasing depths to identify the preferential site for the recruitment of deep-water corals and fauna for the restoration of degraded areas along the Dohrn canyon. The sites of intervention were also enlarged to the adjacent Magnaghi Canyon and Cuma Channel to compare the faunal recruitment using the same restoration approach in different environmental conditions. The areas of intervention were identified with the support of ROV explorations. The SZN team conducted 15 ROV dives in the Gulf of Naples to select the most suitable sites for the eco-reefs and ASDERs deployment and to monitor their status after the location at sea bottom. The area of intervention has been preliminary characterized by the CNR team that has acquired sub-bottom seismic profiles for a total of 676 km of lines in the Gulf of Naples.