Call for interest to take part of this initiative!
- participation and training for a total of 80 hours (40 per researcher) for 2 young researchers/disseminators under 35 indicated by REDRESS at the Creative Videomaking Laboratory of the Film Festival, 7-11 October 2024, directed by director Valerio Ferrara, La Cinef Award at Cannes Film Festival and finalist in the top five at the Italian Filmfests David di Donatello and the Nastri d’Argento 2023;
- production by the Film Festival Lab of an original story for REDRESS, of a 3-5 minutes short film shot with smartphones by the two young researchers/communicators indicated by REDRESS, with the opportunity to evaluate the inclusion of images repertoire from REDRESS video gallery archive sources or the production of a second ad hoc video, with directing supervision and professional editing by the Lab team of director and two editors who at 27 years old won the La Cinef section, world competition of end-of-course shorts from the best film schools at the Cannes Film Festival;
- screening of the short REDRESS of the Lab Film festival during the afternoon of the Film festival awards ceremony at the Darwin Dohrn Museum in Naples, Friday 11 October 2024, in the presence of a speaker from REDRESS, the leaders of the Film festival and the Lab, world leaders of culture, research and media;
- programming of a series of screenings of the short REDRESS of the Lab Film festival in the months following the Festival, between November 2024 and March 2025, both in locations in Italy and in other countries where universities and research centers that are partners of REDRESS and the Consortium are present Partners, both to be proposed to institutional partners in target with REDRESS stakeholders, such as the Europe Space in Rome of the Italian Representation of the European Commission and European Parliament, and other events with a high participation rate, such as the Earth Day Italy Village at Villa Borghese in Rome the 22 of April 2025, Science Festivals and Film festivals with an environmental theme for young people from other nations, both in a series of schools in Italy and in other nations, in territories with a high rate of school dropout and youth crime;
- participation of a REDRESS spokesperson at the press conference on 24 September 2024 in the Campania Region in Italy, and live online on and;
- presence of the REDRESS logo in the video trailer of the Film festival and in the poster and in all other promotional and communication materials both during the event in Naples and in the screenings of the short films by the young people of the Creative Laboratory in other locations and cities between November 2024 and March 2025;
- an ad hoc non-competition REDRESS dissemination event – during one of the days of the Film festival – on the contributions and results of the research, with the screening of another video produced in 2024 by REDRESS and/or by the Consortium Partners, in relation to the solutions for restoration of deep seabed ecosystems and some of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030, such as n. 14 on the protection and sustainable management of the oceans. With the added possibility of programming a live online broadcast on Streamyard with REDRESS and Consortium Partners researchers.
The financial proposal for REDRESS as Scientific Partner at the Festival and other related initiatives in the in the 1st 4 months 2025 is: 10,000 Euros.
Deadline for participation as Scientific Partner and for the selection of the 2024 class of students of the Filmfest Creative Videomaking Laboratory: 30 June 2024