Restoration Interventions and Technologies

Active Restoration

Passive Restoration


Active Restoration​

  • Partner Leader & Partners: MFRI
  • Region: Southern Iceland (Iceland)
  • Habitat type target: Cold-water coral reefs
  • Active restoration approach: 3D printed eco-reefs
  • Monitoring approaches: ROV, Tethered video (Campod), ARMS

Active Restoration​

  • Partner Leader & Partners: NUI Galway, Ifremer, SU
  • Region: Porcupine Bank (Ireland)
  • Habitat type target: Cold-water coral reefs
  • Active restoration approach: 3D printed eco-reefs
  • Monitoring approaches: ROV, colonization structures (Eco- reefs), ARMS

Active Restoration​

  • Partner Leader & Partners: UEDIN, NOC
  • Region: N-Atlantic W Shetland + Darwin Mounds UK MPA
  • Habitat type target: Cold-water coral reefs for the MPA
  • Active restoration approach: 3D printed eco-reefs
  • Monitoring approaches: AUV + photography, mooring with CTD, downward ADCP and sediment trap, ARMS

Active Restoration​

  • Partner Leader & Partners: UGot, GEOMAR, CSIC, Ifremer, DEESS
  • Region: Skagerrak/ North Sea (Sweden)
  • Habitat type target: Soft bottom habitat-forming species (sea pens, bamboo corals and sponges; N. norvegicus and holothurians)
  • Active restoration approach: Badminton method
  • Monitoring approaches: Benthic chambers, crawlers, fuel cell lander, landers, hydrophones, ROVs, Tethered video (towed video sledge), soft bottom ARMS

Active Restoration​

  • Partner Leader & Partners: Ifremer, SU, NUIGalway
  • Region: Bay of Biscay (France)
  • Habitat type target: Cold-water coral reefs
  • Active restoration approach: 3D printed eco-reefs
  • Monitoring approaches: ROV, colonization structures (Eco- reefs), ARMS

Active Restoration​

  • Partner Leader & Partners: UAc, IMAR, NIOZ
  • Region: Azores (Portugal)
  • Habitat type target: Hard bottom, Coral gardens (octocorals, sponge, hydroids)
  • Active restoration approach: Badminton method + transplanting
  • Monitoring approaches: Tethered video (Azor drift-cam), landers, benthic chambers, ARMS

Active Restoration​

  • Partner Leader & Partners: CSIC, UGot, GEOMAR, NIOZ
  • Region: Catalan Sea (Spain)
  • Habitat type target: Soft bottom habitat forming (sea pens and sponges; N. norvergicus + holothurians)
  • Active restoration approach: Badminton method
  • Monitoring approaches: Acoustic transmitters, AUVs, benthic chambers, crawlers, hydrophones, landers, ROVs, Tethered video (towed video sledge), soft bottom ARMS
  • Partner Leader & Partners: UNIVPM, SZN, CNR, SU, Ifremer
  • Region: Dohrn Canyon (Italy)
  • Habitat type target: Cold-water coral reefs
  • Active restoration approach: 3D printed eco-reefs
  • Monitoring approaches: colonization structures incl. cameras and CTD, cabled observatory, ARMS

Active Restoration​

  • Partner Leader & Partners: UH, IOLR, UNIVPM
  • Region: Palmahim Disturbance (Israel)
  • Habitat type target: Cold seeps
  • Active restoration approach: 3D printed eco-reefs
  • Monitoring approaches: AV, AUVs, sediment cores, sediment traps, ROV, ARMS

Passive Restoration​

  • Partner Leader & Partners: UGot, GEOMAR, CSIC, Ifremer, DEESS
  • Regions: Skagerrak/ North Sea (Sweden)
  • Habitat type target/ area target of restoration: Soft bottom habitat (sea pens bamboo corals and sponges; motile component: Nephrops norvegicus and holothurians)
  • Active restoration approach: Benthic chambers, crawlers, fuel cell lander, hydrophones, landers, ROVs, Tethered video (towed video sledge), AUV swarm, ARMS

Passive Restoration​

  • Partner Leader & Partners: NIOZ, UGot, GEOMAR
  • Regions: Norwegian Trench
  • Habitat type target/ area target of restoration: Coral gardens and sponge fields
  • Active restoration approach: Acoustic transmitters, AUVs, benthic chambers, crawlers, hydrophones, landers, ROVs, Tethered video

Passive Restoration​

  • Partner Leader & Partners: Ifremer, DEESS
  • Regions: FRAs (Fish. Restricted Areas) GoL
  • Habitat type target/ area target of restoration: Soft sediment habitat (sponge, crinoid, sea pen fields)
  • Active restoration approach: Tethered video (towed sledge equipped with camera and lasers)

Passive Restoration​

  • Partner Leader & Partners: IOLR-UH, UNIVPM
  • Regions: Palmahim Disturbance (Israel)
  • Habitat type target/ area target of restoration: Cold seeps
  • Active restoration approach: AV, AUVs, sediment cores, sediment traps, ROV, ARMS

Passive Restoration​

  • Partner Leader & Partners: UGot
  • Regions: Barkley Canyon (Canada)
  • Habitat type target/ area target of restoration: Cold seeps
  • Active restoration approach: Cabled observatory; ROV and crawler

Active Restoration

Partner Leader & Partners Region Habitat type target Active restoration approach Monitoring approaches
MFRISouthern Iceland (Iceland)Cold-water coral reefs 3D printed eco-reefsROV, Tethered video (Campod), ARMS
NUI Galway, Ifremer, SUPorcupine Bank (Ireland)Cold-water coral reefs 3D printed eco-reefsROV, colonization structures (Eco- reefs), ARMS
UEDIN, NOCN-Atlantic W Shetland + Darwin Mounds UK MPACold-water coral reefs for the MPA3D printed eco-reefsAUV + photography, mooring with CTD, downward ADCP and sediment trap, ARMS
UGot, GEOMAR, CSIC, Ifremer, DEESSSkagerrak/ North Sea (Sweden)Soft bottom habitat-forming species (sea pens, bamboo corals and sponges; N. norvegicus and holothurians) Badminton methodBenthic chambers, crawlers, fuel cell lander, landers, hydrophones, ROVs, Tethered video (towed video sledge), soft bottom ARMS
Ifremer, SU, NUIGalwayBay of Biscay (France)Cold-water coral reefs3D printed eco-reefsROV, colonization structures (Eco- reefs), ARMS
UAc, IMAR, NIOZAzores (Portugal)Hard bottom, Coral gardens (octocorals, sponge, hydroids) Badminton method + transplantingTethered video (Azor drift-cam), landers, benthic chambers, ARMS
CSIC, UGot, GEOMAR, NIOZCatalan Sea (Spain)Soft bottom habitat forming (sea pens and sponges; N. norvergicus + holothurians)Badminton methodAcoustic transmitters, AUVs, benthic chambers, crawlers, hydrophones, landers, ROVs, Tethered video (towed video sledge), soft bottom ARMS
UNIVPM, SZN, CNR, SU, IfremerDohrn Canyon (Italy)Cold-water coral reefs 3D printed eco-reefscolonization structures incl. cameras and CTD, cabled observatory, ARMS
UH, IOLR, UNIVPMPalmahim Disturbance (Israel)Cold seeps 3D printed eco-reefsAV, AUVs, sediment cores, sediment traps, ROV, ARMS

Passive Restoration

Partner Leader & PartnersRegionsHabitat type target/ area target of restorationMonitoring approaches
UGot, GEOMAR, CSIC, Ifremer, DEESSSkagerrak/ North Sea (Sweden)Soft bottom habitat (sea pens bamboo corals and sponges; motile component: Nephrops norvegicus and holothurians)Benthic chambers, crawlers, fuel cell lander, hydrophones, landers, ROVs, Tethered video (towed video sledge), AUV swarm, ARMS
NIOZ, UGot, GEOMARNorwegian TrenchCoral gardens and sponge fieldsAcoustic transmitters, AUVs, benthic chambers, crawlers, hydrophones, landers, ROVs, Tethered video
Ifremer, DEESSFRAs (Fish. Restricted Areas) GoLSoft sediment habitat (sponge, crinoid, sea pen fields)Tethered video (towed sledge equipped with camera and lasers)
IOLR-UH, UNIVPMPalmahim Disturbance (Israel)Cold seepsAV, AUVs, sediment cores, sediment traps, ROV, ARMS
UGotBarkley Canyon (Canada)Cold seepsCabled observatory; ROV and crawler