Kick off Meeting

Genoa, 26-28 February 2024

Aquarium of Genoa
Conference Room Nautilus

Monday 26th February 2024
14:00 | 14:20
14:00 | 14:20
14:20 | 14:30
Roberto Danovaro - REDRESS Coordinator
14:20 | 14:30
14:30 | 15:15
EU expectations from REDRESS
  • Victoria Beaz-Hidalgo - EU Project Officer
  • Ivan Conesa Alcolea - REA and European Commission Policy Officer from DG R&I and DG Environment
14:30 | 15:15
15:15 | 15:30
Project overview
Roberto Danovaro
From MERCES to REDRESS and The Nature Restoration Law"
15:15 | 15:30

WP1. Prioritization of active deep-sea restoration interventions in a climate change scenario

15:30 | 15:40
General overview
Federica Foglini (CNR) & Ana Hilário (Uaveiro)
15:30 | 15:40
15:40 | 15:10
Task 1
Analysis of current knowledge on deep-sea habitat degradation
Federica Foglini (CNR) & Ana Hilário (Uaveiro)
15:40 | 15:10
15:50 | 16:00
Task 2
Habitat suitability modeling incorporating climate change and identification of habitat refugia
Sandrine Vaz (IFREMER)
15:50 | 16:00
16:00 | 16:10
Task 3
Prioritization of deep-sea restoration areas
(Federica Foglini (CNR) & Stefán Ragnarsson (MFRI))
16:00 | 16:10

16:10 - 16:30
Coffee break Balcon Nautilus

WP2. Innovative approaches for deep-sea restoration of vulnerable habitats

16:30 | 16:40
WP2 overview
Marina Carreiro-Silva (UAc) & Murray Roberts (UEDIN)
16:30 | 16:40
16:40 | 16:50
Task 1
Restoration of deep cold-water coral reefs impacted by bottom trawling (Anthony Grehan, NUIGalway): the Bay of Biscay (Ifremer), the Irish Porcupine Bank (NUIGalway), Wyville Thomson Ridge (West of Shetland and Darwin Mounds MPAs respectively) (UEDIN and NOC), off Iceland (MFRI), Dohrn Canyon (UNIVPM)
16:40 | 16:50
16:50 | 17:00
Task 2
Restoration of hard-bottom coral gardens impacted by bottom longline fishing (Marina Carreiro-Silva & Telmo Morato UAc & IMAR): Condor seamount.
16:50 | 17:00
17:00 | 17:10
Task 3
Restoration of soft-bottom habitats (Jordi Grinyo, ICM): Catalan continental margin (CSIC) and Swedish EEZ in the Skagerrak (Ugot)
17:00 | 17:10
17:10 | 17:20
Task 4
Restoration of chemosynthetic habitats at cold seeps (Yizhaq Makovsky, UH & Maxim Rubin-Blum, IOLR): Palmahim Disturbance MPA
17:10 | 17:20
17:20 | 17:30
Field work activities: planning collaboration, implementation and joint work
17:20 | 17:30
17:30 | 18:30
General Assembly
17:30 | 18:30
Monday 27th February 2024

WP3. Innovative and cost-efficient technologies to monitor deep-sea restoration efforts

09:00 | 09:10
WP3 overview
Jacopo Aguzzi (CSIC); Furu Mienis (NIOZ) & Sascha Flögel (GEOMAR)
09:00 | 09:10
09:10 | 09:20
Task 1
Building an inventory of available technologies and indicators for monitoring deep-sea restoration
(Jaceck Raddatz, GEOMAR)
09:10 | 09:20
09:20 | 09:30
Task 2
Monitoring and maintenance of active deep-sea restoration interventions
(Jacopo Aguzzi, CSIC)
09:20 | 09:30
09:30 | 09:40
Task 3
Monitoring the success of passive deep-sea restoration
(Furu Mienis, NIOZ)
09:30 | 09:40
09:40 | 09:50
Task 4
Combining technologies for implementing deep-sea restoration at larger spatial scales
(Laurenz Thomsen, Ugot)
09:40 | 09:50
09:50 | 10:00
Task 5
Preparing a roadmap for monitoring and continuing deep-sea restoration efforts beyond the REDRESS timeframe
(Damianos Chatzievangelou, CSIC)
09:50 | 10:00

WP4. Enabling deep-sea ecosystem restoration: socio-economic costs, benefits, and financing

10:00 | 10:10
WP4 overview
Stephen Hynes (NUIGalway) & Nadia Papadopolou (HCMR)
10:00 | 10:10
10:10 | 10:20
Task 1
Database for natural capital accounting for deep-sea ecosystems
(Stephen Hynes, NUIGalway)
10:10 | 10:20
10:20 | 10:30
Task 2
Cost-benefit analysis for the restoration of different habitat types
(Helena Vieira, Vaveiro)
10:20 | 10:30
10:30 | 10:40
Task 3
Blueprint for the financing of active deep-sea restoration approaches
(Boris Barov, SERE)
10:30 | 10:40
10:40 | 10:50
Task 4
Potential economic impact of deep-sea restoration at EU level
(Andrew Gates, NOC)
10:40 | 10:50

10:50 - 11:20
Coffee break Balcon Nautilus

WP5. Governance structures and processes to support deep-sea restoration interventions

11:20 | 11:30
WP5 overview
Jan van Tatenhove (WU) & Nadia Papadopolou (HCMR)
11:20 | 11:30
11:30 | 11:40
Task 1
Analyzing deep-sea restoration governance arrangements for different types of deep-sea restoration in different deep-sea ecosystems
(Jan van Tatenhove, WU & Nadia Papadopolou, HCMR)
11:30 | 11:40
11:40 | 11:50
Task 2
Comparative analysis of active and passive restoration DSRGAs and their alignment and potential contribution to the policy objectives of deep-sea habitat restoration, conservation, and climate change mitigation
(Jan van Tatenhove, WU & Ana Hilario, UAveiro)
11:40 | 11:50
11:50 | 12:00
Task 3
Enhancing capacity building of different actors involved in DSRGAs
(Jan van Tatenhove, WU)
11:50 | 12:00
12:00 | 12:10
Task 4
Positioning deep-sea restoration industries from a socio-economic and a governance perspective
(Jan van Tatenhove, WU & Stephen Hynes, NUI-Galway)
12:00 | 12:10
12:10 | 12:30
Planning collaboration, implementation, and joint work
12:10 | 12:30

12:30 - 14:30
Lunch break Aquarium Restaurant "Gusto a Bordo"

W6. Dissemination & communication

14:30 | 14:40
WP6 overview
Cristina Gambi (UNIVPM) & Laurenz Thomsen (UGot)
14:30 | 14:40
14:40 | 14:45
Task 1
Establishing an online presence for REDRESS via publicly accessible channels
14:40 | 14:45
11:45 | 14:50
Task 2
Maximizing awareness of REDRESS successes and achievements
11:45 | 14:50
14:50 | 14:55
Task 3
Cross-generation education and public engagement
(Cristina Gambi, UNIVPM)
14:50 | 14:55
14:55 | 15:05
Task 4
Student education and training
(Laurenz Thomsen, Ugot)
14:55 | 15:05
15:15 | 15:45
Task 6
Networking and synergies with other EU projects and initiatives
(Roberto Danovaro, UNIVPM)
  • 15:15-15:25 MSP4BIO project: Ivana LUKIC (S.Pro - Sustainable Projects Gmbh)
  • 15:25-15:35 MPA Europe: Anna Maria Addamo (Nord University)
  • 15:35-15:45 OBAMA-NEXT: Jacob Carstensen (Aarhus University)
  • 15:45-15:55 BIOcean5D: Josipa Bilic Zimmermann (EMBL Heidelberg)
  • 15:55-16:05 CLIMAREST: Ida Beathe Overjordet (Sintef)
  • 16:05-16:15 LIFE DREAM: Federica Foglini (CNR)
  • 16:15-16:25 DEEP REST: Jozée Sarrazin (IFREMER)
15:15 | 15:45
16:25 | 16:45
General discussion
16:25 | 16:45

16:45 - 17:15
Coffee break Balcon Nautilus

17:15 | 18:00
Advisory Board introduction and meeting
  • 17:15-17:25 Chiara Piroddi (Joint Research Centre)
  • 17:25-17:35 Miquel Canals (University of Barcelona)
  • 17:35-18:00 AB meeting
17:15 | 18:00
18:00 | 18:30
Steering Committee meeting
18:00 | 18:30

Social dinner - Restaurant "I tre merli"
Ligurian Cuisine (36 Euro - 50 m distance from the Aquarium)

Monday 28th February 2024

WP7. Management

09:00 | 09:30
Key highlights on Horizon Europe specificities on project management
Victoria Beaz-Hidalgo EU Project Officer
Greg Ziakas EU Financial Officer
09:00 | 09:30
09:30 | 10:00
REDRESS Project Management team
  • Task 1. Establishment of the Project Management Office (PMO) and Steering Committee (SC)
  • Task 2. Organization: General Assembly, Advisory Board, and Steering Committee + annual meetings
  • Task 3. Data management plan & Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Plan
  • Task 4. Resource use
  • Task 5. Coordination of partners in meetings/workshops and preparation of periodic and interim reports for the EC
09:30 | 10:00
10:00 | 11:30
Working Group session WPs 1-6
Joint work, exchange collaborations and publications
10:00 | 11:30

11:30 - 12:00
Coffee break Balcon Nautilus

12:00 | 13:00
Summary discussion
WPs summary discussion
12:00 | 13:00

End of the REDRESS Kick off Meeting

Università Politecnica delle Marche
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
University of Galway
Universidade de Aveiro
University of Gothenburg
University of Haifa
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Sorbonne Université
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
Eco Reach
SER Europe
Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research
Universidade dos Açores
Institute of Marine Research (IMAR)
National Oceanography Centre
The University of Edinburgh
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Deep-Sea Biology Society
REV Ocean

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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or UK Research and Innovation. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Restoration of deep-sea habitats to rebuild European seas
Project number: 101135492
Duration: 4 years; Starting day: 1st February 2024
Coordinator: Polytechnic University of Marche – Italy

Polytechnic University of Marche
Department of Life and Environmental Sciences
Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona | Italy

Development by ECOREACH Ltd company | Corso Stamira 61, 60122 Ancona |
© 2024. All rights reserved.